A company kiosk is an effective marketing strategy for small businesses because it allows you to reach more potential customers and employees. When you install a company kiosk, you are allowing your company to become a first-class destination. ” Proxyclick is a multi-cloud-based service transforming how contractors, visitors, and employees flow in and out of places around the globe. From our clients’ experience: “I’ve never seen anything like Proxyclick, says Metroclick – it makes moving around places so much easier than trying to do it on my own.”

With a company kiosk, you get to enjoy a unified, digital hub for all your company’s services and assets. Kiosk mode enables you to access your own company data through mobile apps, your employee data through secure web portals, and your company marketing information (such as pricing info, news, etc.) through social media channels. You can also manage your company fleet with the help of Kiosk management apps, which gives you the ability to keep track of employee vehicle usage.
Kiosks allow you to monitor employees’ activities, check employee hours, manage payroll, keep track of your company assets, communicate with clients, and more. Now with the integration of Kiosk equipment and software from Cisco and others, your company kiosk will connect with information systems such as IBM’s WebSphere Information Products and Datacenter Solutions for enterprise application hosting, Cisco’s RISK enterprise resource planning (ERP) product line, Hewlett Packard’s EPoE, Microsoft’s Dynamics GP, Sybase’s Omnibus, and Sun’s NetSuite. The following are just some of the industry Leading technologies that enable businesses to thrive with company kiosk systems:
Client Presentation Technologies: Kiosks can be used by your company as a kiosk display system or as a client presentation display system. Kiosk manufactures such Cisco products as the Cisco Certification and Consulting Experience (CCE) and Cisco Certified Network Consultant (CCNC). Cisco and other networking equipment manufacturers have extensive technical documentation and instructional CDs/ DVDs that can assist you with this technology. If you are unfamiliar with client presentations, contact Kiosk to discuss your company needs for kiosks and how Cisco products can meet your objectives. Cisco can also provide Kiosk demonstrations for your company needs.
Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions: With Cisco’s RISK product line, you can improve your company’s ability to protect its most valuable assets. Cisco’s RISK is one of the most comprehensive enterprise solution options for companies that need advanced disaster management solutions. By requiring minimal maintenance and easy installation, Cisco RISK provides a flexible, modular enterprise infrastructure that can be expanded or contracted according to company needs. Companies that are expanding or contracting can use a single multi-company kiosk that can be managed internally or through a third party company.
We often believe that the best place to find new products is an Internet search, but that’s not always the case. When you visit any Kiosk dealer, kiosk provider, or manufacturer’s website, you will find several benefits including competitive pricing and exceptional service. Kiosk is one of the few companies that have a full staff of trained customer service representatives who can help you answer any questions and guide you in making the purchase. Kiosk can help your company by providing: